Neglected Piano Service
As full-service technicians we will make your neglected piano sound better and play more easily.
Neglected Piano Service
This two and a quarter hour service is recommended for pianos that have not been serviced in more than seven years.
Comprehensive condition evaluation
Adjust to concert pitch
Fine tuning
Minor repairs including sticking keys
Included as time allows
Light cleaning
Lubrication (reduce friction)
Touch up regulation (easier to play)
Touch up voicing (more melodic)
Neglected Piano Pricing: $275
Note: Some badly neglected pianos may require a follow up visit at an additional fee.
"David Weiss is a master piano technician. He has been servicing our 1967 Yamaha G2 piano for many years now. In 2017, with the piano fifty years old, it was time to rebuild the action. David skillfully removed the action, took it to his shop, and rebuilt it as needed. There-installation was most precisely accomplished with the result that the piano has performed as if brand new. This was done in timely and cost effective manner.
I would recommend David without hesitation or equivocation."
Don Danilek